Henan Art and culture art Development Group Co., LTD

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Jiang Zhi Love letter 6

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New Capital: Huang Yu Collection 2007-2016, Chengdu Museum of Contemporary Art, Chengdu, May 22 - June 12, 2016。
Focus on the moment
New art since 2000
Chinese contemporary art began in the late 1970s with the reform and opening up, and its development began with the construction of the legitimacy of formalist art in the mainstream discourse form。In view of the mode of revolutionary realism during the Cultural Revolution, art in the new period shoulds the dual task of criticism and reconstruction, which is manifested in two creative trends: correction of realism and rebellion against realism。The former is represented by "scar art" and local painting, and is characterized by social criticism and human nature restoration, but the expression language is still realism。The latter opened the prelude of Chinese contemporary art with the "Star Art Exhibition", which embodies the application of various styles of Western modern art and the criticism of society。
The influx of modern western philosophy, literature and art in the early 1980s set off a "85 New Wave of art" movement in the art circle。"85 New Wave" is an important node of Chinese contemporary art, focusing on the transformation of artistic concepts and the significance and state of existence from a metaphysical point of view. In terms of artistic language, it is a reference to various styles of Western modernism。Artists like to make declarations in the form of groups, hold exhibitions, and discuss big philosophical propositions, with a strong idealistic color。The "Modern Art Exhibition" in 1989 became the curtain call of the modern art movement in the 1980s, and also became the stage summary of Chinese contemporary art。In the economic tide of the late 1980s, pop art with a "sense of humor" and playful realism characterized by a focus on "boredom" appeared, known as the "post-1989", which is another typical summary of the art period that continues to grope forward under the new ideological and market background。Since 1990s, Chinese contemporary art has become more and more personalized and diversified。Throughout the development of Chinese contemporary art, the western modern art is more borrowed from the language, and the soul is the observation of Chinese reality。
As a new force in China's current art trend, young artists have formed a force that cannot be underestimated。Most of them come from the nine Academy of Fine Arts, receive good academic education, have standardized modeling training and art history knowledge, and master a variety of media, representing the future of Chinese contemporary art。The complex social reality provides a hotbed for young artists to create. The change brought by the diversity of contemporary society and culture is that artists have the power of self-expression。They have a deep thinking about art, while consolidating their own painting techniques, explore the establishment of their own visual style, and seek a way to integrate with the current art market。
A complete gallery agency system and a thriving art fair provide a high-quality exhibition platform for young artists。The support of commercial capital also stimulates the creative desire of artists。Exhibitions and related promotion projects around young artists have emerged in an endless stream, and the academic activity has also led to the hot collection。With the maturity of young artists' creation, they have also gained a place in the art market, and the new painting style with young artists as the main body has become an important collection direction for collectors in the secondary market。
The collectivization of young and middle-aged artists has become a development trend of Chinese contemporary art in recent years。Wang Yin, Luo Quanmu, Zheng Guogu, Xie Nanxing, Yang Fudong, Jiang Zhi, Qin Qi, Kang Haitao, Xu Zhen, Ju Ting, Yang Xinguang, Shi Zhiying, Li Qing, Yan Heng, Qian Jiahua and so on are represented by a group of artists from the Academy of Fine Arts,Their good academic background has created their solid foundation,As a group,They are constantly exploring the contemporary issues of Chinese art。Just like the group of German neo-Expressionist artists active on the international stage after World War II,Led by Keefer,Richter, Imendorf,Baselitz,Luppeltz and others are from the Dusseldorf Academy,They are closely linked to German history and culture in different ways of expression,Out of a national path,Restoring Germany's artistic influence in the world。The British YBA, represented by Damien Hirst and Trish Amy, most of whom graduated from Goldsmith College in London, rose rapidly in the British literary and art circles in 1990 and became a new trend in the world's art circles。In contrast, Chinese young and middle-aged artists are also shouldering the mission of this era. In today's globalized era, they use various media to express individual life experience and reflect the temperament of The Times. They are among the leaders in terms of artistic creation language and market recognition。The future of young and middle-aged artists contains infinite possibilities。
Huang Yu Collection of Chinese Contemporary Art 2007-2016, P214-215, Chengdu Museum of Contemporary Art, 2016。

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Henan Art and culture art Development Group Co., LTD  

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