Henan Art and culture art Development Group Co., LTD

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Can with a light crimson character story lid

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This collection for the light scarlet character story pattern lid pot, painting is first-class, poetry for the famous pen, the bottom of the new porcelain factory, light drop color art treasure is the physical witness of The Times, wrapped in natural pulp, aging characteristics are obvious, the character God shape outstanding, comfortable and quiet。The color, layout and painting of the whole instrument are impeccable, which is rare. It is a representative work of light crimson color porcelain and a masterpiece among light crimson color porcelain works, worthy of collection。



Height: 19cm

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Henan Art and culture art Development Group Co., LTD  

Address: Henan ProvinceArt and Art Museum, one floor, North Gate of the North District of the World Collection, Zhengdong New District, Zhengzhou City   Contact number:400—829—9007

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    • 400-829-9007
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